Fox's phenomenally successful contest crushed the Olympics in head-to-head competition on Tuesday night, 27 million viewers to16.1 million, according to Nielsen Media Research. 尼尔森媒体研究机构称,上周二晚,福克斯电视网的当红选秀比赛《美国偶像》的收视率击败了同期直播的冬奥会节目,观众人数分别是2700万和1600万。
The incident has devastated public trust in Chinese dairies, according to a survey conducted by Beijing-based media research firm All Media Count, AP said. 美联报道,北京一家媒体调查公司AllMediaCount的调查显示,事件使公众对中国奶业的信心遭受重创。
CSM Media Research is China's leading TV-ratings agency, and has been criticized in the past by people affiliated with CCTV when it reports dropping ratings for the network. 央视-索福瑞媒介研究有限公司是中国领先的电视收视率调查机构,过去该公司报道央视收视率下滑时,曾受到与央视有关的人的批评。
Canonic Texts in Media Research: Are There Any? Should There be Any? How About These? 卡诺尼克课本“媒体研究”:存在吗?应该存在吗?这些呢?
After a week of presentations by senior staff, the kidbrooke comprehensive school pupil felt he had grasped the basics of banking, and was looking forward to a secondment to the European media research desk. 接受了高级职员为期一周的培训,契布鲁克综合学校的学生罗布森感到自己已经掌握了银行业的基本情况,期望能调到欧洲媒体研究部门。
The Secular Priesthood Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky's Media Research 制造共识的世俗传教士&乔姆斯基媒介研究探析
John Downing: Professor, College of Mass Communication& Media Arts, Southern Illinois University, USA.; Senior Fellow of the Global Media Research Center at Southern Illinois University. 约翰·当宁:南伊利诺依大学大众传播和媒体艺术学院教授、全球媒介研究中心高级研究员。
Galerkin methods for two phase multi-components flow in porous media Research on method of momens of particulate parameter distribution in multiphase flow 两相流中颗粒参数分布的矩方法研究
There are three major objectives of media research: ( 1) obtain knowledge about the educational or instructional effectiveness of a chosen medium; 大众传播研究有三个主要目标:(1)获得对被选择的媒体的教育或指导效力的了解;
The Media Research Sub-division keeps the government fully informed of public opinion as expressed in the information media. 此外,大众传播研究组让政府清楚知悉新闻传播媒介所表达的民意。
As China's reform and opening up, the media research industry as the part of market research industry has achieved tremendous progress. 中国改革开放以来,作为市场调查研究的一部分的媒介调研行业有了巨大的发展。
More than half of Internet users surveyed by entertainment media research and the law firm Olswang said they surfed social networking sites such as Myspace and Youtube specifically to come across new songs. 在接受娱乐传媒研究(entertainmentmediaresearch)和olswang律师事务所调查的互联网用户中,一半以上的人表示,他们访问myspace和youtube等社交网站就是为了寻找新歌。
Russell Hart, chief executive of Entertainment Media Research, said: Social networks are fundamentally changing the way we discover, purchase and use music. 娱乐传媒研究首席执行官拉塞尔•哈特(RussellHart)表示:社交网络从根本上改变了我们发现、购买和使用音乐的方式。
Over a long period, the media research has been a part of such traditional fields as journalism, communication and sociology. 长期以来,传媒研究属于新闻学、传播学、社会学等传统研究领地。
Brand Strategy of China Financial and Economics Media Research 我国财经报刊的品牌战略研究
As multimedia and network domain interdisciplinary studies, the application and the research of streaming media technology obtained the rapid development, but because streaming media and the traditional network media has the remarkable difference, the streaming media research also was facing the huge challenge. 作为多媒体和网络领域得交叉学科,流媒体技术的应用和研究得到了迅速发展,但由于流媒体与传统网络媒体有着显著的差别,对流媒体的研究也就面临着巨大的挑战。
Media research in the sight of cultural study 文化研究视野中的传媒研究
The first chapter: Analyzing general Media research. 首先,在论文的第一章,笔者主要分析了媒介研究问题。
Rise of the cultural study school in Britain provides a new way for media research. 英国文化研究学派的兴起为传媒研究提供了一条新路径。
The Internet and its Impact on Mass Media Research 互联网对美国大众传媒研究的影响
The school's stress on media research is related with its academic tradition that gives emphasis on the role media plays in the modern society, the popular culture and the relationship between culture and power. 该学派重视传媒研究,与传媒在现代社会中的重要地位及该学派重视通俗文化及文化与权力之间关系的学术传统有关。
Then the author compares the different influence result of the cross media research, the characteristics and shortcomings of the news apps, and discusses the issues on how to develop the new mobile media market. 接着作者对跨媒体客户端影响力、受众最关注的客户端特点及不足进行了比较研究,探讨了传统媒体如何开辟移动新媒体市场等问题。
Since there are no unified theories on new media research, microblogging in particular, we combine a variety of theoretical approaches in this research and hope to contribute to subsequent researchers. 由于当前理论界对新媒体尤其是微博研究还没有统一的理论,笔者在文中结合多种理论进行研究,期望能对以后的微博研究作出贡献。
So the research of doctor media character is beneficial to the development of modern society and media research in China. 因此,研究医生媒介形象有利于我国当代社会发展与媒介研究。
McLuhan not only has different general media research, but also has distinctive research on literate criticism. 麦克卢汉不仅有着不同一般的媒介研究,他的文艺批评同样富有特色。
The article investigates a various influence in terms of political, economic and culture power on the media bias, starting from the media research point of view, and regarding media as the body of bias behavior, which is given a relatively comprehensive investigation of viewpoint. 本文从媒介研究角度出发,将媒介作为偏见行为主体,给予比较全面的观点的考察,同时考察各种政治、经济、文化力量对其发生的影响作用。
How to provide large scale streaming media content distribution on internet has been the core of the streaming media research in last 10 years. 如何在Internet网络上提供大规模的流媒体内容分发一直是过去十多年里流媒体研究领域的核心问题。
In this paper, for the fluid saturated porous media in guided wave has undertaken the following several aspects: Firstly, reviewed the theory of two-phase media research. 本文主要针对饱和流体多孔介质中的导波开展了以下几方面工作:一、首先回顾了双相介质理论的研究成果。
The introduction includes a research summary, and through the collation of the research and research results on the Ideological and Political Education and the Media Research, the research methods, ideas and innovations intended to be used in this article. 绪论部分是研究综述,通过对高校思想政治教育和现代传媒现状的研究及研究成果的整理,提出本文拟使用的研究方法、思路和创新之处。